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In a series of six National Development Plans (NDPs) guiding the delivery of the 2040 vision, the Government of Uganda is preparing the fourth (NDP IV) FY 2024/25-28/29.

The NDP III (FY2020/21 to 2024/25) introduced 20 Programmes, under a new Programme Planning Approach (PPA)which effectively replaced the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) that was under NDP II.

To help coordinate and implement these programmes, lead ministries were assigned to each of the 20 programmes. The MoFPED was assigned to lead two Programmes: The Development Plan Implementation (DPI) and the Private Sector Development (PSD).

The development of the Programme Implementation Action Plan (PIAP) for FY 2024/25-28/29 commenced upon the issuance of the Planning Call Circular by the National Planning Authority (NPA) on 28th May 2024. All Programmes liaising with their respective contributing institutions were mandated to align their PIAPs to the strategic direction and objectives outlined in the National Development Plan IV (NDP IV). 

Above is Dr. Olowo, NPA making a presentation during the Technical Working Group Workshop, to the PSD Programme during the NDPIV Programme Implementation Action Plan (PIAP)development