The Secretariat for the DPI and PSD Programmes
The Secretariat provides the technical and administrative coordination office for two (2) National Development Plan (NDP) programmes led by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED). These programmes are the Private Sector Development (PSD) and the Development Plan Implementation (DPI).
The Secretariat is housed within the Ministry but located at the Crested Towers. Functionally, the Secretariat reports through the Commissioner for Treasury Inspection under, the Accountant General to the Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury.
The specific functions of the Secretariat include ;
- Coordinating the preparation of the Programme Implementation Action Plans and Programme Budget Framework papers for the 2 programmes - PSD and DPI, and ensuring alignment with NDP III, Manifesto and Presidential Directives;
- Organising and guiding meetings and activities of management structures for the two programmes namely; the Leadership Committees (LCs), Programme Working Groups (PWGs) and the Technical Working Groups (TWGs) that will be put in place and keeping safe custody of the proceedings of these meetings and activities;
- Preparation and dissemination of quarterly, semi-annual and annual programme implementation reports;
- Facilitating the annual programme performance reviews for the 2 programmes at which annual programme performance is assessed
- Organising programme monitoring, inspection and other activities to enable the collection of physical data to facilitate evidence-based reporting;
- Promoting cooperation, learning and synergies within and outside the programmes;
- Facilitating sharing and dissemination of information within programme structures (PWGs, TWGs) and institutions to facilitate implementation of programme activities
- Facilitating dialogue with partners (DPs, CSOs, etc.) around each programme on emerging policy and technical issues aimed at increasing impact on programme outcomes
- Commissioning and Coordinating policy analytical work and technical studies aimed at improving the impact of the various programme reforms, interventions and services
- Establishing relations and actively coordinating with other related programmes and strategies including, but not limited to PFM Reform and Private Sector Development Structures in place.
- Coordinating any other programme activities
The Secretariat is headed by a Programme Head supported by a team of technical officers and administrative staff consisting of;
- Programme Secretary (1)
- Senior Advisor (1)
- Programme Officers (2)
- Programme Assistants (2)
- Technical Assistants (3)
- Head of Finance (1)
- Research Assistants (2)