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Strengthen the capacity of the statistical system to generate data for national development.

•    Acquire and /develop necessary statistical infrastructure in the NSS including physical, Information & Communication Technology and Human Resources.

•    Align and synchronize national survey and census programmes to NDPIII,Africa Agenda 2063,SDGs and other development framework data requirements.

•    Ammend the UBOS Act,1998 to be inclusive of the NSS to better coordinate the NSS and define the roles of other players within the NSS framework.

•    Build the capacity the civil society and private sector associations in the production and use of statistics.

•    Enhance the compilation, management and use of administrative data among the MDAs and LGs.

•    Harness new data sources including big data,data science,block chain technologies and geospatial technologies in statistical production.

•    Mainstream documentation of methodologies (metadata) for NSS indicators.

•    Review and update the National Standard Indicator Framework in line with the NDPIII Agenda 2063 and SDGs.

•    Standardize and operationalize use of standard statistical infrastructure including the rules, regulations and instruments for conducting censuses and surveys among data producers.

•    Support statistical professional development and application through collaboration with the academia and relevant international organisations. 

•    Undertake research to improve methodologies for key statistics and indicators.

Strengthen the capacity of the statistical system to generate data for national development.

•    Acquire and /develop necessary statistical infrastructure in the NSS including physical, Information & Communication Technology and Human Resources.

•    Align and synchronize national survey and census programmes to NDPIII,Africa Agenda 2063,SDGs and other development framework data requirements.

•    Ammend the UBOS Act,1998 to be inclusive of the NSS to better coordinate the NSS and define the roles of other players within the NSS framework.

•    Build the capacity the civil society and private sector associations in the production and use of statistics.

•    Enhance the compilation, management and use of administrative data among the MDAs and LGs.

•    Harness new data sources including big data,data science,block chain technologies and geospatial technologies in statistical production.

•    Mainstream documentation of methodologies (metadata) for NSS indicators.

•    Review and update the National Standard Indicator Framework in line with the NDPIII Agenda 2063 and SDGs.

•    Standardize and operationalize use of standard statistical infrastructure including the rules, regulations and instruments for conducting censuses and surveys among data producers.

•    Support statistical professional development and application through collaboration with the academia and relevant international organisations. 

•    Undertake research to improve methodologies for key statistics and indicators.