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Roles of the Office of the Prime Minister

  1. Strengthen capacity for development planning

•    Strengthen Public Investment Management across the entire government to be able to develop bankable projects on time.

2. Strengthen capacity for implementation to ensure a focus on results

•    Review and reform the Government Annual Performance Report (GAPR) to focus on achievement of key national development results.

3. Strengthen coordination, monitoring and reporting frameworks and systems

•    Develop integrated M&E framework & system for the NDP.

4. Strengthen the Research and Evaluation function to better inform planning & plan implementation.

•    Amend the relevant laws and regulations to strengthen institutional evaluation, policy evaluation, plan/program and project evaluation

•    Strengthen the follow up mechanism to streamline the roles of the relevant oversight committees to avoid duplication of roles.

Roles of the Office of the Prime Minister

  1. Strengthen capacity for development planning

•    Strengthen Public Investment Management across the entire government to be able to develop bankable projects on time.

2. Strengthen capacity for implementation to ensure a focus on results

•    Review and reform the Government Annual Performance Report (GAPR) to focus on achievement of key national development results.

3. Strengthen coordination, monitoring and reporting frameworks and systems

•    Develop integrated M&E framework & system for the NDP.

4. Strengthen the Research and Evaluation function to better inform planning & plan implementation.

•    Amend the relevant laws and regulations to strengthen institutional evaluation, policy evaluation, plan/program and project evaluation

•    Strengthen the follow up mechanism to streamline the roles of the relevant oversight committees to avoid duplication of roles.